Supermarkets, Sales and Asahi London Pride

with Drinks Consultant Richard Morrice

Season 1


Episode 15

Richard Morrice has an impressive CV. Marketing Director for Courage Brewing (John Smith’s, Foster’s, and Miller), Richard moved on to set up his own marketing agency, working with the huge multinational companies such as Heineken, Coca Cola, Sainsbury’s, Tesco and Fullers, among many others.

These days, Richard is a semi-retired consultant within the drinks industry and runs beer tasting events, whilst keeping a keen ear to the ground with all the happenings in the beer world.

In this episode of the podcast, we discuss everything from supermarkets and the mistakes many brewers make selling their products into national chains, sales and pricing of products in general, and Richard shares the reasons why he was saddened but not surprised of the sale of Fuller’s brewery to Asahi Europe.

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