Work In Progress: Working for a more Inclusive Beer Industry

with Brewgooder's Alan Mahon

Season 1


Episode 89

This week’s episode features Alan Mahon, founder of Brewgooder and Work In Progress.

Work In Progress is an open to all breweries that aspire to build a more inclusive and representative beer industry.

The breweries involved – including everyone from London’s Mondo Brewing Company, Liverpool’s Neptune Brewery, Bristol’s Left Handed Giant and many more, are committed to taking action in their businesses, forging links with communities to increase opportunities and promote collaboration between brewers and under-represented groups in our society.

As a non-profit, decentralised movement driven by the members, Work In Progress is establishing a steering committee of trusted industry and non-industry voices to help guide and unify the collective voices and actions to create greater inclusivity in the beer and wider drinks industry.

A few months back, I caught up with Alan to discuss Work In Progress and what breweries can do to create a more diverse, unified workforce and industry that covers the entire colour spectrum, in both the physical. cultural and metaphorical sense.

We caught up with Alan to talk about the new initiative, discuss some of the issues that still plague the beer industry, and what we can do to combat those issues.

If you’d like to sign up then I’d highly encourage you to head over to where you can find out more information and become a member.

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