When BrewDog tossed a clowder of cats from a helicopter over the city of London, their aim was to send a loud, clear message to their army of trusted fans: we don’t need those capitalist fatcats to finance our brewery – we need you.
And, “you” responded. BrewDog managed to raise a staggering £5m in a mere 20 days. Imagine what you could do with an extra £5m in your brewery!
Watt and Dickie seem to have an endless capacity for getting their brewery noticed… if not for all the right reasons.
From harmless campaigns such as recreating Guinness’s Good Things Come To Those Who Wait advert by dressing as a pantomime horse and going for a swim, to the tone-deaf Pink IPA or downright offensive #Don’tMakeUsDoThis – whether you agree or disagree with their company’s methods – BrewDog are extremely effective marketers, using the medium of the story to communicate their brand message.
Stories are emotive. People don’t always make rational decisions and are often driven by emotion. Facts follow feelings.
So, engaging consumers’ emotions and interest with a well told story will give people a greater incentive to pay you a visit, drink your beers and get to know your company than merely taking a photo of a Hazy IPA and posting it on Instagram.
A story worth telling has to underpin all marketing efforts.
But how do you tell your story? Do you even have a story worth telling? Here are a few things to consider when creating your narrative and communicating it to your consumer base:
On a more positive note, a call to action can be as simple as providing a great experience in your taproom so they in turn tell the story to their friends and become your brand ambassadors.
Obviously, there’s way more to marketing than storytelling; digital, printed and social media, networking, websites, mailouts, public relations, etc, all go a long way.
But that’s another story…!