Pete Brown on Craft

Why the term is completely undefinable, hopelessly misunderstood and absolutely essential

Season 1


Episode 73

Craft… was there ever such a word in the English dictionary that has divided opinion in the world of beer as the C word.

For some, it defines what it means to be a small, independent brewer.

For others, it symbolises a revolt against the globalisation of big business and putting profits before people.

While for others, it’s the smaller beer selection in their local supermarket with all the colourful cans on, sandwiched between the cases of Carlsberg to the left and the bottles Black Sheep to the right.

According to Pete Brown, it is a term that is completely undefinable, hopelessly misunderstood and absolutely essential.

In our discussion, we discuss everything from terminology, brewery buyouts, why independence is such a hotly contested topic in the world of beer, and how everyone plays into the hands of marketing in one way, shape or form.

Brewery Shoutouts

Wild Card Brewery – Wild Card Brewery has released a new batch of their seventh beer as a part of International Women’s Collaboration Brew Day. This year Wild Card Brewery chose to brew an IPA in tribute to Ada Lovelace, a mathematician and writer, who is widely celebrated as the first computer programmer.  Pick up Tribute IPA from their web store today.

The Cheshire Brewhouse – Pick up award winning heritage IPA Govinda a whole range of other amazing beers from the team at The Cheshire Brewhouse.

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